Thank goodness this week is over.

I’ve been feeling so tired and drained and for the first time during this whole entire month, I finally got some sleep. Saturday for me was so relaxing and calming because I got a chance to sleep in all I want and when I woke up, I’d mostly go on my laptop and listened to pandora or go on my phone to talk to people. I don’t know about you, but that sounded relaxing to me considering that I was in my bed all day. Being too involved can be super tiring, but worth it in the end. I need to learn how to stop complaining so much. Let me explain what this busy week for homecoming consisted of.

For this whole entire week, I had to make posters for our buildings, consistently change the Morning Madness schedule, play the games for Morning Madness (just to make sure they’re safe), stay after school for rehearsals, and then come home to homework that needed to be done as soon as possible so I could get some shut eye. For me, it’s super hard trying to manage time and I mainly think it’s because I can be a super unorganized person. How do people even know how to manage time with so many things going on at once? Someone teach me please. Since homecoming week is finally done, I have all day today to get work done.

I feel really accomplished about the Morning Madness Rally and it was really cool to see myself on the news! I hate how my voice sounds on video though it sort of creeps me out that I sound like that in person. Anyways, I can’t believe how nerve wrecking it was to speak in front of huge crowd considering that acting in front of huge audience doesn’t seem so difficult to me. I think it’s because I was able to see everyone in the crowd because in the theater when we perform, the audience is usually in the dark where I can’t see anyone. My MCs were super helpful though! I really appreciate Lance and Kristy helping me. Lance knew how to get the crowd going and Kristy was experienced so she knew what the crowd wanted to hear. The flash mob that happened towards the end was super fun! I’m so glad I got to be a part of that. Hopefully I find someone who recorded the whole entire thing. Throughout the whole entire day afterwards, I had butterflies to see what a success the rally was. I appreciate everyone who helped and attended the rally. It made me super happy. By the way, I finally got my certificate of completion in the mail for drivers ed! I can’t wait to take my permit test!

Here are the two who helped me speak at the rally (:

Here are the two who helped me speak at the rally (:

I can't wait to get on the road soon!

I can’t wait to get on the road soon!