Community Service Pt. 1

Last weekend on November 15th and 16th, my weekend consisted of community service. I love doing community service because giving back to the community makes me happy. Another reason is because I’m Buddhist and Buddhist people do things like give service or help out in general. Well, I’m not sure if that’s right, but I believe I’ve heard that from somewhere. I’m going to separate this into two parts because I have a lot to say about what happened during the weekend.

On November 15th from 8 A.M. to 2 P.M. , I volunteered with the CSF club to attend the Sharing and Caring Coat Drive at the Stockton Arena. I woke up around 6:30 A.M. to get ready and got picked up at 7:30 A.M. to head over there. When we first arrived, we had to hang all the donated coats onto hangers, put the blankets in an organized area, and organize the new socks in order by size. I took care of the coats with a certain amount of people and when we ran out of hangers, we stacked the coats by size on the table.  My group and I were in charged of the boys’ section for their coats.

There were many more coats than this.

There were many more coats than this.

This coat was really expensive and new!

This coat was really expensive and new!

Look at the price tag!

Look at the price tag!

It made me really happy to see the little kids find what they wanted because they had genuine smiles and who doesn’t enjoy seeing the pure happiness coming from a little kid? Not many families can go out to afford new clothing for themselves or for their children and to know that we have organizations like this to help truly makes me happy. To know that I could help too makes me even happier.

Look at how adorable he is!

Look at how adorable he is!

These kids are too precious.

These kids are too precious!

There were many coats and I thought it would be enough for everybody, but I thought wrong. When people began to not find what they needed, I felt really bad because those who came early found what they needed and those who didn’t couldn’t get what they need.. Overall, we did a good job at doing the work that needed to be done.

Afterwards, they fed us with Whirlows food for lunch and I forgot to take a picture lol. It was a chicken sandwich with salad and a cookie. Then we began to pack everything left into bags and that was probably the end of everything.

This event was lots of fun and I’m so grateful to have been apart of it.