School always keeps me busy.

I don’t know when there’s a day that I’m not busy with school. Honestly, it makes me happy that I’m always involved with something because I’m just that type of person who likes to do the most. I’m always out trying to find community service opportunities, events at school and in the community, and things to get done for my grades. Which reminds me that I need to go on this one website to find upcoming events for this month or next month that Interact Cub can go volunteer at. I’m vice president for Interact Club and it’s basically just a club ran by Rotarians where we go out to do a bunch of community service. We have upcoming community service events every week for this month so if anyone attending Chavez would like to get some community service hours, make sure to come to D202 for quick meetings after school on Tuesdays.

I’m also busy with drama for this whole entire month since our upcoming show is October 23rd, 24th, and 25th. It’s called, “One of Our Clowns is Missing.” The genre is comedy and drama and to me, I think it’s more funny than dramatic. When we talk about something dramatic, I think about A Piece of My Heart all over again. That play was too intense, but worth it. The show this time seems a lot shorter and I don’t  have many lines as the last one. The last one I had over 200 lines and for this show I only have 35 lines. I’m so thankful that this show isn’t going to get me emotionally drained. I’m in charge of publicity and I need to make a due date of when I’m going to get that poster done. I mean it when I say I’m a true procrastinator. I really tried to make a list of how to manage my time wisely today and for some reason my day never goes as planned.

The number on the dates for October show how late we're going to stay after school until the show starts.

The number on the dates for October show how late we’re going to stay after school until the show starts.

Here's the script for our upcoming show.

Here’s the script for our upcoming show.

Since I’m involved with journalism too, volleyball, kilusan, and pancake breakfast are a must to attend for my grades. I love being a part of journalism because it gives me a chance to enjoy writing as a hobby and the work I put into for this hobby gets graded on too. I may slack off, but I’m really trying to pick myself back up to get my life together. I have to attend volleyball games to find out what the scores are and I have to attend kilusan and pancake breakfast for pictures and to write my story on pancake breakfast, It was my first time publishing something into the news article that’s coming out tomorrow I believe and I feel so embarrassed that I caught an error in what I published. It’s okay I learned my lesson.

I really appreciate all of the people who follow and read my blog. It means so much to me c:

Thank goodness this week is over.

I’ve been feeling so tired and drained and for the first time during this whole entire month, I finally got some sleep. Saturday for me was so relaxing and calming because I got a chance to sleep in all I want and when I woke up, I’d mostly go on my laptop and listened to pandora or go on my phone to talk to people. I don’t know about you, but that sounded relaxing to me considering that I was in my bed all day. Being too involved can be super tiring, but worth it in the end. I need to learn how to stop complaining so much. Let me explain what this busy week for homecoming consisted of.

For this whole entire week, I had to make posters for our buildings, consistently change the Morning Madness schedule, play the games for Morning Madness (just to make sure they’re safe), stay after school for rehearsals, and then come home to homework that needed to be done as soon as possible so I could get some shut eye. For me, it’s super hard trying to manage time and I mainly think it’s because I can be a super unorganized person. How do people even know how to manage time with so many things going on at once? Someone teach me please. Since homecoming week is finally done, I have all day today to get work done.

I feel really accomplished about the Morning Madness Rally and it was really cool to see myself on the news! I hate how my voice sounds on video though it sort of creeps me out that I sound like that in person. Anyways, I can’t believe how nerve wrecking it was to speak in front of huge crowd considering that acting in front of huge audience doesn’t seem so difficult to me. I think it’s because I was able to see everyone in the crowd because in the theater when we perform, the audience is usually in the dark where I can’t see anyone. My MCs were super helpful though! I really appreciate Lance and Kristy helping me. Lance knew how to get the crowd going and Kristy was experienced so she knew what the crowd wanted to hear. The flash mob that happened towards the end was super fun! I’m so glad I got to be a part of that. Hopefully I find someone who recorded the whole entire thing. Throughout the whole entire day afterwards, I had butterflies to see what a success the rally was. I appreciate everyone who helped and attended the rally. It made me super happy. By the way, I finally got my certificate of completion in the mail for drivers ed! I can’t wait to take my permit test!

Here are the two who helped me speak at the rally (:

Here are the two who helped me speak at the rally (:

I can't wait to get on the road soon!

I can’t wait to get on the road soon!

This week is going to be exciting!

I think that Chavez’s spirit is going pretty good this week considering how fun this spirit week is! I don’t understand people who say they don’t have anything to wear for this spirit week because I’m pretty sure you can go to the thrift store and find something. I love how the buildings are decorated, I’ll walk by A-Building and think about how amazing everything looks. I’m not so sure of what to wear for Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, but I’m most likely going to dress up as Hillary considering that I can borrow stuff from my mom for that.

The building that the Juniors did was E-Building and I think it looks amazing! Especially the huge brick wall that has “Class of 2016” tagged on it. People are really trying to dress up this year even if it’s not that noticeable at least they’re still trying. Hearing the music from our spirit weeks is nice to hear as we walk by the buildings to our classes. I remember in my freshmen year, the homecoming theme was Disney and everyone was so cute that year! The Disney music was on point and seeing people dressed up made me happy. I wasn’t in student government that year, but man I wish I took advantage of all of the fun stuff that we did freshman year. Hopefully we do something Disney related again,

This is what I wore for Grease day and this is also the amazing brick wall that c/o 2016 did!

This is what I wore for Grease day and this is also the amazing brick wall that c/o 2016 did!

Anyways, I’m rambling a lot but I usually do this when I’m really happy.This week is a new week and I’m just trying to be a positive person when it comes to anything headed towards me. My weekend was pretty bad because of an incident that happened, but lets focus on the goods instead of the bads. On Saturday, I went to a leadership conference with my officers from Interact Club. We headed to Modesto to meet up with other Interact officers from different schools. We got a chance to meet new people and brain storm some community service ideas for our club. I had a lot of fun being there and hearing everyone’s ideas. On Sunday, I went to West Lane Bowl to spend time with my uncle and siblings. I use to think bowling was really hard, but I was better than I expected! LOL.

The banner we received from the leadership conference for our Interact Club.

The banner we received from the leadership conference for our Interact Club.

I can’t wait for Friday. We have a Morning Madness Rally, throwdown, and the homecoming football game all in one day! I’m going to be extremely exhausted considering that I have to be at school by 5:30 AM and leave school at 11:00 PM. It’s going to be a long tiring, but fun day for me. I’m not really stressed anymore from planning out this rally. I’m basically done with everything now. I’m starting to learn how to manage time wisely. I got a lot on my plate and honestly, I have nothing to complain about because I’m enjoying everything in my life as of right now. I love blogging and how I get a grade for it. I’m going to miss doing this.

Don't forget about the rally Friday! Here's all the info for it (:

Don’t forget about the rally Friday! Here’s all the info for it (:

A Piece of My Heart was a Success.

WE’RE FINALLY DONE WITH THIS PLAY! I’ve never been so emotionally drained in my life. This play made me seem so bipolar because of all the scene changes and going from one emotion to the other. It was simply too tiring to handle. To be honest, I’m happy that I got to be a part of this. Sure this show has had its pro and cons but man what an experience this was. Drama usually does a lot of comedy plays and I actually realize why now. Comedies are way more easier than dramatic plays. That’s just in my opinion. There really isn’t much of a difference besides the emotions you put into make a dramatic play good. Castanon said that the reason why he wanted to do this play this year was because he finally found the right group of girls who could handle it. Let me list these pros and cons to being a part of this play.

There were many pros to it and I feel like the pros are more significant than the cons. For the first time ever, I became close to a group of girls without feeling socially awkward. Don’t get me wrong I also have girl friends aside from the ones in drama, but the thing is the girls in drama are a whole together. We did everything together during this play. We went out to eat, nap at each other’s houses, got into circles to share secrets and rehearse lines, and grew a bond with one another as the play was coming together. Nothing is better than that to me. I’ve always felt as if I’ve never belong with a certain group or certain people and being with them made me feel like I was at the right place. This was also my first speaking role and main role for a play. I felt so proud of myself for getting so far with not much experience as the rest of the group. Even if this play was all seriousness, we’ve made inside jokes from it and unforgettable memories with all of this stress that the play brought us. Man I could have sworn there were more pros to this play but I guess there really isn’t much. Maybe the pros were the fact that our bond together has grown ever since the play began. I guess that’s all that really matters to me since it is the best part of being a part of this.

Now I can get started with the cons. I was totally stressed out, but I only had myself to blame for that. I was moving unexpectedly, I didn’t manage my time wisely considering how involved I am in school, and I was being the same procrastinator/slacker I’ve always been when it came to school. I need to learn from my mistakes. Now I am currently sick and still wasting my time laying in bed when I can use all of this free time to get work done. Anyways, another con to this play was it definitely made you emotionally drained. I don’t get how actors do it. We would go from crying to laughing to being stressed and panicking. We would go home and want to rest but couldn’t because we also had homework to get done before we slept.

Through all the good and bad times of this experience, it was all worth it. I will always look back at this like it was one of the best times of my life during high school. On the last night, I cried after curtain calls. I thought about it like it was my one time experience in high school. That’s going to be the one time where I’m going to get to say, “this is my first main role and speaking role.” That was the one time when those five girls and I were going to get a main role all together. This is the best one time memory I’m going to cherish forever. I’m so thankful for getting to be in drama.

This was an intense scene for all of us.

This was an intense scene for all of us.

The main cast (:

The main cast (:

A Piece of My Heart is Coming Soon.

I’m very excited to announce that we official have only three days of rehearsals left until A Piece of My Heart premieres! It’s going to be amazing and I promise you won’t regret attending it. It will be on September 11th, 12th, and 13th at 7 p.m. Doors will be open at 6:30 p.m. and the price to attend will be $5 for students and children and $8 for adults.

My life has still been very stressful only because I’ve been slacking and procrastinating from being worn out with my life. I only have myself to blame though. I wouldn’t be stressed if I learned how to stop slacking and procrastinating. I really shouldn’t use excuses to get my work done. I always tell myself I don’t need to do this and that until later because of how tired I’ve been, but if I were really determined to get my work done then I wouldn’t let any excuse stop me from getting it done. I just need to start telling myself that. If you really wanted to do it, you wouldn’t let any excuse stop you from doing. Once I’ve completed everything then I’ll feel the stress go away.

Rehearsals have been going great and I appreciate many of the compliments that I’ve received from a bunch of people in the cast. I always hear how my acting skills have improved, how my stage voice has gotten better, and how I give them chills when I perform. This really motivates to strive to be an actress because I use to have a really big dreams of becoming big in the Hollywood industry and I guess I started doubting myself when I realized how hard it was to get into it. I’m still going to dream big and work for what I want though.



My Life Has Become Stressful.

Lately, I’ve been coming home feeling extremely drained and exhausted from all of the things that my life has been revolving around. I’ve been packing, rehearsing, going to my internship, my youth group program, making decisions for Morning Madness Rally, and having to do plenty of homework for slacking recently. Now let me get into details on why all of this has been getting me more stressed than usual. 

My parents surprised me and my siblings on Monday by telling us that we were going to move out of my house this week. I was extremely excited because I couldn’t wait to get out of the small house that we lived in. The only thing that made me stress about moving was that we had to move by Sunday. We only had six days to move and I was stressing because how was I able to make it to my internship that week and rehearsals while having to pack all of my items out of the house in so little time? Another thing that stressed me out was that two of my classes required me using my computer and internet to do my work for the class and I couldn’t do that if I wasn’t able to use my computer until we settled into the new house. I was such a wreck at rehearsals because of what I had going on in my head. It was so much work trying to go back and forth to both houses and what made it worse was the heat. I can’t stand the heat because they give me huge headaches. Well we manage to move out on time, but I really wish we had more time to pack.

It was really hard going to rehearsals because of the fact that I had to move out of my old house as soon as possible. I never got any sleep because I was dedicated to going to rehearsals and then going home to help my family and do homework. I was feeling so drained that I stayed home from school for a little just to help out as much as I can and then come back to school for when rehearsals started. I made rehearsals a huge priority to attend considering that I’m one of the main characters. Now, we only have ten days to get everything down until the show starts. Rehearsals are real tiring because the lights on stage make us sweat, memorizing your lines is a must even when you’re tired, and we only get about five minute breaks. I’m still very excited for the show though.

I also had orientation to attend for my internship for the Jerry McNerny’s reelection campaign. I’ve already made a decision to not attend until I’m done with rehearsals for A Piece of My Heart. On that day, I came home around 8:30 and I was too tired to even do my homework since I had to help my family as much as I could. I wish I had more time on my hands to do what I want. 

I attend this youth group called Giant Step every Monday and on that Monday when we decided to move, I still attended the meeting and had to come home around 8:30 to pack as much as possible. Going to school the next day was a real struggle considering that I didn’t get as much sleep as I needed.

I’m Commissioner of Rallies for the student government class and I was told to get as much done before the week of the homecoming rally. The week before I was stressing, I heard so much negativity on our school spirit and it was killing me because at that moment I realized that if our rallies aren’t going to improve our spirit, I had myself to blame. I know I’m suppose to have thick skin when it comes to anyone’s negativity because you can’t please everybody but I’m really doing my best to make this rally as spirited as it can be. Wish me luck!

Now at the end of the day of all of this work I’ve been doing, I also couldn’t forget to do my homework. That was a real pain. I started slacking on it though because of what’s been going on and I regret it, but now that I don’t have that much on my plate anymore, I’m going to step up my game for all of the things that I’ve been procrastinating on. As of right now, I’m actually drinking coffee trying to keep myself awake to do the work that must be completed. 

This has been a overall view of my stressful week and life. Hopefully after this month, I’m going to be stress free. Maybe.

Here's a little preview of the six main characters for the upcoming show I'm going to be performing!

Here’s a little preview of the six main characters for the upcoming show I’m going to be performing!

This is what my room looked like until we moved everything else in and now it's a huge mess.

This is what my room looked like until we moved everything else in and now it’s a huge mess.